
Crowd Sourcing

Page history last edited by Ben Smith 14 years, 1 month ago

We now support crowd-sourcing of train travel information in addition to the operator-sourced data we get via the BBC.  To have your message re-tweeted add a star character after the name of the twitter account covering the relevant train company:


@[twitter account] * [Message to be re-tweeted]



Retweeted: @uktrains * All trains out of Waterloo are cancelled at the moment. [star indicates message should be re-tweeted]

Retweeted: @uktr_ virgin * Virgin service earlier delays seem to have cleared. [star indicates message should be re-tweeted]

Retweeted: @uktr_firstcc* Services into Kings Cross delayed by 20mins. [space between twitter name and * is optional]


Not re-tweeted:  @uktr_londonmid Thanks very much for the warning of this morning's delays!  [no star included]


Your message will normally be re-tweeted within 5 minutes.


Note: DMs will not be re-tweeted.


As ever, feedback is welcomed to @bensmithuk.

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